Lowongan Kerja Akutansi PT. Indah Karya Bandung

PT Indah Karya is Indonesian Condition Possessed Enterprise that moves within the area of engineering and management talking to. The organization has two business models namely Indah Karya Register Certification Services (IKRCS) involved in the management certification, and Layanan Jasa Konstruksi (ELJEKA) that is controlling construction.

Tenaga Akuntansi / Keuangan 

* Male Age maximum 27 years
* S1 Accounting Education GPA of at least 3 (scale 4), certified Brevet A and B
* Willing to be placed throughout the territory of Indonesia

Tenaga Teknik Sipil / Arsitektur 

* Male Age maximum 27 years
* S1/D3 Civil Engineering Education
* Able to operate Autocad 3D (Architectural), and SAP Etab
* Willing to be placed throughout the territory of Indonesia

Applications sent to:

Kepala Biro Keuangan dan Akuntansi PT Indah Karya (Persero)
Jl. Golf No. 2A Ujung Berung Bandung-40294