PT TASPEN (KP) is a State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), which moves in the field of Insurance and Pension Fund Management, Young Workers Need graduated from S-1, D-3, and senior high integrity, committed, and willing worked hard to put in ALL REGION INDONESIA.
A. General Requirements
1. WNI Male / Female, attractive appearance, energetic, and friendly
2. Male height (L) of at least 160 cm, female (P) minimal
155 cm, with a weight proportional.
3. Never married.
4. It's never not be dismissed as an employee with respect
sector in government and private agencies.
5. Physically and mentally healthy.
6. Education level of vocational / senior high school or equivalent:
1. Maximum age 22 years on May 31, 2011;
2. The average value of 7.00 or UAN minimum book value of report cards
Class I, II, and III, the minimum 7.00;
3. Preference will be given a certificate: Tax Brevet A,
Tax Brevet B, Accounting, Computer (PHP / Web
Design / Network / System / Database / Microsoft Office);
4. Issued as administrative staff at the Branch Office
Indonesian region of Central and Eastern Indonesia.
7. Education Diploma level (D-3) / Bachelor (S-1):
1. Maximum age 24 years for D-3 and 30 years for the S-1 on
May 31, 2011;
2. Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) or 3.00 (PTS) of
4:00 scale;
3. More preferably have a minimum TOEFL score
450 (Special S-1);
4. The program is a graduate studies received D-3 or S-1:
Economics (ECO), Law (huk), Mathematics (MAT), Computer Science
(OMC), Actuarial (Akt), Statistics (STA), Secretary (SEK)
Health (KES), and Administration (ADM).
B. Administrative Requirements
Creating a cover letter addressed to the Director of Human Resources
through Employee Recruitment Team Page. TASPEN (continued) In 2011,
with attachments as follows:
1. Curriculum Vitae (format attached);
2. 6 pieces of recent color photographs size 4 x 6 cm;
3. Photocopy of valid ID card 1 sheet;
4. Photocopy of Birth Certificate / Birth Certificate;
5. Photocopy of diploma / graduation letter / value or value UAN
book report cards grade I, II, and III (for senior high school), academic transcript
(For D-3 and S-1) and Prediction for the TOEFL certificate
already have (for S-1);
6. Original Certificate of No Marriage (minimum of Kelurahan / Head
Local villages);
7. Copy of Certificate of Good Behaviour (SKKB) / Certificate
Police Notes (SKCK) of the Police;
8. Original Certificate of sound mind and body (include
height and weight), free drugs and psychotropic drugs,
color blind free of physician / authorized agency;
9. Make a statement stamped USD. 6000, - (form attached
below) is attached to the application file which states:
1. There was never dismissed with no respect as
employees in Government agencies / Private;
2. There was never punished by imprisonment or confinement
court decisions that have legal force
that remain, for committing a criminal act;
3. Willing is not married for 2 (two) years from the appointed
as an employee of PT Taspen (PERSERO);
4. Willing to follow all procedures and selection process;
5. Willing to bear all costs of stationery, transport,
and accommodation during the selection process of residential
(Domicile) applicants to site selection;
6. Willing to be placed on the entire territory of the Unitary State
Republic of Indonesia.
10. Photocopy of the Certificate of Work Experience (if any)
C. Apply Procedure
1. Applicants must register / registration online on the website
Taspen (
2. Applicants who qualify, prior to online registration,
first prepare a document file scan results in the form:
1. pdf format for letter of application, curriculum vitae, letter
statement, diplomas, transcripts, and birth certificates;
2. jpg format for color photographs size 4 x 6 cm or 472 x
709 pixels.
3. File documents in pdf and jpg format is attached
at the time of online registration.
3. Online registration begins December 14 to 24 April 2011.
4. Applicants who successfully register and obtain number
print proof of registration for online registration to be attached
on the cover letter.
5. Cover letter addressed to the Director of Human Resources
through Employee Recruitment Team PT TASPEN (continued) Year 2011 in
6. Application documents and attachments incorporated into a color map below
This was taken and submitted at the time of follow Psychological tests to
Employee Recruitment Team.
Blue folder: Bachelor degree applicants (S-1)
Map the color yellow: Diploma level applicants (D-3)
Red folder: applicants level vocational / high school
7. Only Applicants who meet the entry requirements and criteria BEST
called / announced to follow the next stage of selection.
8. The decision shall be final and absolute graduation can not be bothered
accountability, and not held correspondence.
9. Participants who passed the final stage of selection must
entered into bond department.
10. Plan the implementation of the test: Palembang, Jakarta, Semarang,
Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Manado and Jayapura. Places test
is still subject to change and will be notified through website
11. Announcement of applicants who pass the selection of administrative and entitled
follow the next selection can be seen only at sites began last week in April 2011.
Only applicants who meet the entry requirements and criteria that will be BEST called / announced to follow the next stage of selection. Page TASPEN is the state that implement Good Corporate Governance (GCG). During selection process is free of charge and not be a Q responsibility in any form.
Online Registration:
In this registration process, team recruitment PT. Taspen (Persero) require each applicant to include the document file the scans in pdf format which consists of:
Online Registration:
In this registration process, team recruitment PT. Taspen (Persero) require each applicant to include the document file the scans in pdf format which consists of:
1. Cover Letter;
2. Curriculum Vitae (CV);
3. Diplomas and transcripts;
4. Birth Certificate / Birth Certificate;
5. Photos (Image size not exceed 472x709 pixels or 4 x 6 cm.
In the format of jpeg / jpg / gif);
Please use the following link to register:
Online Registration Taspen 2011